Thursday, November 10, 2011

effect of Solar Radiation on rice crop

Effect of Solar Radiation on Rice.

=play important role in growth and yield of rice.
=radiation is main source of energy and grain yield is proportional to solar radiation.
=rice plant's most critical period of solar energy requirement is from panicle initiation until about 10 days before maturity.
=the amount of SA received from as early as panicle initiation until crop maturation is important for the accumulation of dry matter during that period.
=the accumulation of starch in the leaves and culms begins about ten days before heading.
=starch accumulates markedly in the grain during the 30 day period following heading.
=most effective parameters of solar radiation are:

A. Sunlight intensity
=higher the solar radiation, greater the yield of rice.
=if more the solar radiation, higher LAI.
=photosynthetic rate depends on solar radiation.
=to produce high yield, solar radiation in the last 30days is most important.
=require solar radiation of 300cal/cm square per day at the reproductive stage

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