Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Growth stages of Maize

1. Germination and Seedling stage
*sprouting stage, after one week after sowing.
*coleoptiles emerging stage.
*collar of first leaf visible.
*bear 2-4 leaf.

2. Vegetative stage
*k/a knee-high stage/grand growth stage.
*after 35-45 DAS.
*agronomic practices are performed at this stage.

3. Tasseling/floral initiation stage
*male flower initiation.
*about 55 to 65 DAS
*anthesis or male flowering, pollen shed begins.
*tassel are formed at the apex, after 14 to 15 leaves.

4. Silking/Cob initiation stage
*female flowers formed.(75-90DAS)
*cobs are auxiliary flowers.
*silk are visible.
*in most cases, cobs formed in the axis of 11-13 leaf.

5. Grain filling and physiological maturity stage
*prevails 12-13days after silking, last for 40-42 days.
A. Soft dough/milk

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