Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Adaptation Maize

Climatic Factors:
*versatile to adaptation that attributable to enormous genetic variability available within corn species.
*between 40 degree S and 60 degree N.
*cultivated from 3700masl.
*arid to humid, cold to warm, sandy to clay soils.

*warm seasonal crop.
*suitable temperature 21-32 degree C.
*max and min temp is 44 and 10 degree C.
*optimum night temp 11-18 degree C.
*GDD/heat units: 1200 to 2600 heat units.
*little growth below 10 degree.
*can withstand freeze, upto 15 cm tall.
*high temp above 35:more injurious to plant at tasseling stage.
*under drier condition+high temp: pollen grains dry out.

*important role in growth and yield.
*photo-insensitive i.e. Day neutral plant.
*however grow in short day condition(8-9 hour sunshine)
*being C4 plant, need sunny days.
*only bright sunlight+devoid of irrigation=wilting
*prolonged cloudy day is detrimental, but intermittent sunlight and cloud or rain is most ideal.
*can be grown in diverse climatic condition.

*average rainfall 500-700mm.
*require less moisture during early phase.
*drought condition lead to poor seed set, low test weight.
*water stress persists for 3-8 days: decreased root and shoot DM, plant height, root length, but increase leaf Proline accumulation.
*water stress affect carbohydrates and nitrogen metabolism.
*rainfall during and after 3-5 weeks of silking is important.
*transpire 2-4 kg water/day
*require 60-100t water to form 100kg of Kernels.
*require more than 50% of total water requirements, in 30 days after tasseling stage.
*dryness at harvesting period is essential, to make easier and protect from spoiling by fungi.

*humidity 80-85%
*terrestrial wind velocity may wilt the plant.
*hailstrom are harmful during jointing and silking stage.

*grown in diverse condition(sandy, oxi,incepti, verti,alfi-sols)
*best in wel drained sandy loam to silty loam.
*high water holding, and neutral pH(5.5-7.5)
*sensitive to water logging, proper drainage is must.
*would not thrive no heavy soil.
*avoid low lying field, having poor drainage and higher salinity.

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