Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Growth stages of Maize

1. Germination and Seedling stage
*sprouting stage, after one week after sowing.
*coleoptiles emerging stage.
*collar of first leaf visible.
*bear 2-4 leaf.

2. Vegetative stage
*k/a knee-high stage/grand growth stage.
*after 35-45 DAS.
*agronomic practices are performed at this stage.

3. Tasseling/floral initiation stage
*male flower initiation.
*about 55 to 65 DAS
*anthesis or male flowering, pollen shed begins.
*tassel are formed at the apex, after 14 to 15 leaves.

4. Silking/Cob initiation stage
*female flowers formed.(75-90DAS)
*cobs are auxiliary flowers.
*silk are visible.
*in most cases, cobs formed in the axis of 11-13 leaf.

5. Grain filling and physiological maturity stage
*prevails 12-13days after silking, last for 40-42 days.
A. Soft dough/milk

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Adaptation Maize

Climatic Factors:
*versatile to adaptation that attributable to enormous genetic variability available within corn species.
*between 40 degree S and 60 degree N.
*cultivated from 3700masl.
*arid to humid, cold to warm, sandy to clay soils.

*warm seasonal crop.
*suitable temperature 21-32 degree C.
*max and min temp is 44 and 10 degree C.
*optimum night temp 11-18 degree C.
*GDD/heat units: 1200 to 2600 heat units.
*little growth below 10 degree.
*can withstand freeze, upto 15 cm tall.
*high temp above 35:more injurious to plant at tasseling stage.
*under drier condition+high temp: pollen grains dry out.

*important role in growth and yield.
*photo-insensitive i.e. Day neutral plant.
*however grow in short day condition(8-9 hour sunshine)
*being C4 plant, need sunny days.
*only bright sunlight+devoid of irrigation=wilting
*prolonged cloudy day is detrimental, but intermittent sunlight and cloud or rain is most ideal.
*can be grown in diverse climatic condition.

*average rainfall 500-700mm.
*require less moisture during early phase.
*drought condition lead to poor seed set, low test weight.
*water stress persists for 3-8 days: decreased root and shoot DM, plant height, root length, but increase leaf Proline accumulation.
*water stress affect carbohydrates and nitrogen metabolism.
*rainfall during and after 3-5 weeks of silking is important.
*transpire 2-4 kg water/day
*require 60-100t water to form 100kg of Kernels.
*require more than 50% of total water requirements, in 30 days after tasseling stage.
*dryness at harvesting period is essential, to make easier and protect from spoiling by fungi.

*humidity 80-85%
*terrestrial wind velocity may wilt the plant.
*hailstrom are harmful during jointing and silking stage.

*grown in diverse condition(sandy, oxi,incepti, verti,alfi-sols)
*best in wel drained sandy loam to silty loam.
*high water holding, and neutral pH(5.5-7.5)
*sensitive to water logging, proper drainage is must.
*would not thrive no heavy soil.
*avoid low lying field, having poor drainage and higher salinity.

Maize classification 2

4. Flour/soft corn(amylacea)
*kernel has soft starch, no hard starch.
*soft endosperm.
*colour:white, blue
*flint kernel like shapes.
*grown in USA.
*mainly used as human food.

5. Pop corn(everta)
*used as snack.
*pearl popcorn:rounded kernels(yellow)
*rice popcorn:pointed white.
*kernel are extreme form of flint corn.
*hard endosperm with soft moist starch in the centre.
*19% moisture in kernels, expands 30-40 times.

6. Waxy maize(ceretina)
*waxy appearance.
*China as main source.
*contain mainly Amylopectin(78%)

7. Pod corn(tunicata)
*most primitive and oldest.
*kernels enclosed within a pod or husk.
*whole ear is surrounded by husks.
*no commercial value.

On the basis of Maturity:
1. Extra early-upto 70 days
2. Early-80-85 days
3. Medium-90-100 days
4. Full reason-105 days after.

On the basis of use:
1. Green forage
2. Vegetable and salad
3. Roasting purpose
4. Pop corn
5. Animal feed
6. Industrial uses.

Classification of Maize

On the basis of character of Kernels:
1. Flint corn(indurata)
*entire outer portion of kernels is hardy starch composed.
*restricts easy absorption of moisture.
*colours:white, yellow, red_blue, or vary
*endosperm is soft and starchy.
*germination is better in cold and wet soil.
*used for human food and animal feed.
*traditionally cultivated in Nepal.

2. Dent corn(indentata)
*accounts for 95% of all maize in US.
*hard starch to the side of kernels.
*producing the characteristic dent in the top of the kernels.
*colours:yellow, white, or red.
*in Nepal, Khumal n Rampur yellow belongs to this.
*mainly for livestock feeding.
*industrial values also.

3. Sweet corn(saccharata)
*sweetest then other.
*mainly in US and Canada.
*colour:yellow/ white.
*soft kernels
*good source of energy
*about 20% dry matter is sugar
*rich in vit C and A
*genetics of maize
-flour corn-amylacea
-pop corn-everta
-dent corn-indentata
-flint corn-indurata
-waxy corn-ceratina
-pod corn-tunicata

*mainly considered the central America and Mexico as the primary centre of origin.
*four theories regarding the origin:
-may be direct domestication of Mexican annual teosinte species.
-may've been derived from hybridization between a small domesticated maize and a teosinte.
-may've undergone two or more domestication.
-may've evolved from a hybridization of Z. diploperennis by Tripsacum dactyloides.
*wild ancestors of cornr are not found today yet the evolution of corn has been traced.
*most of the genetic studies revealed that teosinte was the first domesticated in Mexico around 4000 to 3000 BC
*greatest genetic diversity of corn is available in the south American continent.
*introduced to India from America 17th century begining.

Maize, the next Cereal

Maize(Zea mays L) (2N=20)
*annual grass of height 2-3m. Having flag leaf on each node.
*grow 3mm/day.
*domesticated by mesoamericans.
*female part is Ear and male is Tassel.
*each ear contain 200-400 kernels.
*queen of cereals.

*used both as feed and food.
*first position in production and productivity.
*second largest cereal of Nepal.
*AGDP 6.88% value.
*for various purpose:
-QPM:high protein content.
-baby corn:as vegetable.
-sweet corn:high energy value.
-pop corn:snack.
-waxy corn:industrial value.
-high oil corn:for oil.
*10%protein, 70% carbohydrates, 10%albuminoides, 1.4%ash, 2.3%CF.
*Zein known as maize protein.
*corn flakes(breakfast)
*starch(made by wet milling process)
*maize fodder
*grain feed
*roasted maize
*corn ethanol
*industrial use(for paper goods, textiles, paints etc)
*stigmas from female flowers, are sold as herbal supplements. be continued!